

 Is the SnoreWizard classed as a medical device?

Yes, this device is entered on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods as a Medical Device Class 1 under number ARTG#235054.

Does Snore Wizard Work?

Yes, for most people – the sleep clinics that prescribe anti-snoring mouthpieces to their patients report a 94% success rate.. If it does not, simply return it for a full refund.

Is it hard to fit?

Not at all. Unlike most other anti-snoring devices, there is no fitting involved (no boiling or molding is required). Snore Wizard’s unique design of soft, slim material makes if fully effective for most mouths and is ready to use straight away.

Can I still breathe through my mouth?

Yes, you can ! The Snore Wizard device has a special breathe hole, allowing you to breathe naturally through your mouth.

Is it comfortable to sleep with in my mouth?

Most people report that it is, however it may take a short time to get used to.

The average person requires an adjustment period of a few hours to a few weeks to reach maximum comfort. Moving the jaw forward is what causes the snoring to stop; and this movement requires some initial conditioning of your jaw muscles.

Are there any side effects?

There are no side effects, although a small number of people report a slightly dry mouth or extra saliva on waking. This usually settles down though.

Is it medically approved?

The principle of moving the jaw slightly forward and improving airflow (mandible device) is acknowledged by medical and sleep specialists as the best way to cure snoring. The Snore Wizard was designed in conjunction with dental technicians and dentists. If in any doubt please consult your doctor or dentist.

Will it stop teeth grinding?

Yes it will. Snore Wizard has been designed to fit over both the upper and lower sets of teeth, thus eliminating any grinding of teeth.

Can people with dentures use it?

Yes, as long as you have healthy gums and you keep your dentures at night, as it needs the teeth to hold it in place.

Will it help with sleep apnea (apnoea)?

Although SnoreWizard (as a Jaw Advancement Device) has helped mild sleep apnea patients, it is not to be used as a cure for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This is a medical condition that you should consult your doctor about.
For more information on sleep apnea/apnoea, click here.

How long will it last?

The SnoreWizard will be effective for 6 to 18 months, depending on how often do you use it, if you grind your teeth, etc. You can tell when it needs replacing as it will gradually lose its effectiveness.